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Japanese obstetricians and midwifes say and do for mother and family in grief

gYour baby wanted to come for stay in your belly.h

gI just keep doing the same routine and care on mother in regular way.h

gYou can cry, do not hesitate front of me. The baby is so cute, has got eyes the same as yours.h

gDonft try to stay strong, if you want to say something – just say it.h

gBaby came here for tell you something by sacrificing itself. Donft blame on you.h

gIt takes time to accept your loss. You will never forget about it.h

gI introduce the book gMemory inside of wombh by Ikegawa Akira. Usually wait until she start to speak, then 
  listen her speech.h 

gI cry together with mothers and keep kindness.h

Japanese obstetricians and midwifes believes about a death and perinatal loss

gNormally people think the baby will be born in good condition, so stillbirth is big shock for mother and

gAny birth even tragic one has meaning. There are some reasons to be born in this way.h

gBefore I was thinking it hard, now I think there is some meaning of stillbirth.h

gDeath is not the end. There are two side of this: 1) person who died, and 2) people who were remembered and 
  mentioned about the dead person, then they also died.h

gThere are some of meanings in any lives. A baby cannot say anything, but its appearance is the mission. People 
  around baby have to keep memory about baby.h

gIfm afraid to work because have small experience.h

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